Elevator Inspector Testing Control Panel While Performing Commercial Elevator Inspections At A Multifamily Apartment Building

Understanding Commercial Elevator Inspection Services

Any Property manager with an elevator in their building should be familiar with commercial elevator inspections. This is because they are required by law in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia. As a result, property managers need a basic understanding of the commercial elevator inspection process, including who regulates inspections, who performs inspections, and what happens during an inspection.

Who Regulates Commercial Elevator Inspections?

Commercial elevator inspections are regulated by both federal and local government agencies. Nationally, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) mandates annual elevator and escalator inspections. Based on OSHA standard 1917.116, this applies to any permanent hoisting and lowering mechanism with a car or platform moving vertically in guides and serving two or more floors of a structure.

While the standard is fairly short, it is very important because it creates a uniform national requirement for how regularly property managers must have their elevators inspected.

Even though the OSHA standard applies nationally, almost every state has their own rules and regulations regarding inspections. While some states follow the annual inspection mandate, others require inspections every 6 months. As a result, property managers must understand the specific requirements of each state.

Additionally, enforcement of elevator inspection requirements is most often conducted at the state level. This only increases the importance of understanding state specific rules for inspecting and certifying elevators.

Who Performs Commercial Elevator Inspections?

Commercial elevator inspections must be performed by a licensed elevator inspector. While the requirements will vary state by state, all 50 states have professional licensing requirements for elevator inspectors. In most cases, these professionals work for third party elevator inspection companies, as opposed to an independent elevator contractor. This is because many states require inspectors are fully independent of elevator service companies to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest.

In the event an elevator fails an inspection, the inspector will provide the property manager with a list of necessary maintenance items to bring the elevator up to code. These maintenance items are traditionally handled by the elevator maintenance company. Need help finding an elevator inspection company? Click here to request a free elevator inspection quote from a trusted member of our BidSource contractor network.

What Happens During Commercial Elevator Inspections?

During a standard commercial elevator inspection, the independent inspector will conduct a detailed review of each elevator. During the inspection, property managers can anticipate elevators being offline for a few hours. While the exact requirements can vary by jurisdiction, the following equipment is normally examined during the inspection:

  • Machine/Equipment Room
  • Hoist Way and Pit
  • Emergency Power System
  • Emergency Communication System
  • Fire Alarm
  • Elevator Cab Interior
  • Elevator Cab Doors
  • Lighting
  • Smoke Detectors

In addition to inspecting the various parts of the elevator, the inspector will also perform various tests. This includes making sure the doors open and close properly and cars reach the appropriate floors. Following the inspection, the elevator will either pass and be certified, or the inspector will provide a list of issues to address. While property managers are normally given a window of time to fix issues, it is best to address them immediately.


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